Aggiornamento Professionale
Manuale di Biosicurezza Veterinaria - Equini - G.L. Autorino
Emad Beshir Ata et. al. - Adv.Anim.Vet.Sci.2020 - EHV-1 Clinical Features Treatment and Control
Traub‐Dargatz et. al. JVIM 2013 - EHM Outbreak
Lunn et al. JVIM 2009 - EHV-1 ACVIM Consensus Steatment
M Dunowska - New Zealand Vet.J. 2014 - A review of equid herpesvirus 1 for the vet. pract.. Part A Clinical presentation diagnosis treatment
M Dunowska - New Zealand Vet.J. 2014 - A review of equid herpesvirus 1 for the vet. pract.. Part B pathogenesis and epidemiology
Pieghevole Peste Equina IZS _FISE_MIN 2023
Pieghevole AHS_EN_2023 IZS AM - FISE