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  The Italian Equestrian Sport Federation     


FISE is affiliated to the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) by which is recognised as the sole representative for Equestrian Sports in Italy, and to European Equestrian Federation  (EEF). 


For Those equestrian disciplines practised by FISE but not recognised by the FEI, FISE joined the relevant international bodies, in particular the Federation of International Polo (FIP). the Fédération Internationale de Horseball (FIHB) the International Mounted Games Association (IMGA).


FISE pursues its activities according to the resolutions and guidelines from CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee) IOC (International Olympic Committees) CIP (Italian Paralympic Committee) IPC (International Paralympic Committee) and the above-mentioned International Federation for the relevant disciplines.


FISE is responsible for regulating and ruling the equestrian activity in Italy with the exclusive responsability for the competitions in the following activities:Show-Jumping, Eventing, Dressage, Endurance, Driving, Vaulting,  Paralympic, Horse- ball and Polo


Besides FISE joins the Federation of Horses in Education and Therapy International (HETI) and the International Group for Equestrian Qualification (IGEQ). 


FISE is headquartered in Rome and has legal personality under private law according to art 18 del Decreto Legislativo n.242 del 23 luglio 1999 and subsequent modifications.


The Federation is composed of affiliated bodies and associations, including non-profit limited companies, which organize and practice in Italy equestrian sports, spread principles and sporting values, promote the grass-root equestrian activity, leisure as well as top performance up to the  participation at the Olympic and Paralympic Games.


FISE is officially recognised by CONI for sport purposes and benefits of technical, organisational, and  governing autonomy with CONI supervision.  According to its statutes, approved by CONI, FISE is authorised to regulate the equestrian activity in Italy in every of its manifold expressions: education, competitions, training, leisure, in particular regarding the disciplines below indicated. 


For the disciplines listed below, FISE is responsible for regulating the activity without exclusive jurisdictionReining, Cross country, Working Equitation, Gymkhanas, Leisure Riding, Trekking and Orienteering, Point to Point, American Riding, recreational riding, Therapeutic Riding, Para-Driving, Para-Endurance, para-Reining, Vaulting, and all other sport disciplines practised with horses that internationally lay under the FEI umbrella.


FISE’s institutional objectives, as laid in Art.2 of FISE Statutes, are in particular:


  • Promote, organise, encourage, coordinate, and regulate the Equestrian Sport and activities in Italy, fostering all events aimed at the promotion of the practice and culture of equestrianism:
  • Promote and organise the education of athletes and trainers
  • Foster and coordinate the development of sport competitions, in particular aiming at the international activity and at the participation at the Olympic Games, Word and Continental Championships, within the directives established by CONI and FEI
  • Contribute to the growth and appreciation of the Italian bred sport horse in Italy
  • Establish all technical rulings for equestrian activities
  • Follow and enforce any initiatives and breeding events organised on the territory that are aimed to the evaluation and      selection of the sport horse
  • Encourage, enhance, and support any Body that may have relation to the Equestrian Sports and operating under the federal activity, facilitating their constitution and further development
  • Study all useful innovations and modifications in the practical implementation of the sport activity aiming to the refinement of the rulings and of the technical running of the events
  • Assist other Bodies or structures for the development of the sport horse in Italy
  • Promote, develop and organise all activities related to the social use of the horse, in particular the therapeutic riding,  jointly with the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP)
  • Enforce the fundamental principles in the Statutes of the National Sport Federations and of the Associated Sport Disciplines enacted by CONI. 




President Office - presidenza@fise.it


Secretary General Office- segreteria@fise.it


International Relations Dept. - international@fise.it


Press Office - ufficiostampa@fise.it


Marketing Dept. – marketing@fise.it


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