Central Bodies |
Regional Bodies
Justice Bodies
Other Bodies
General Assembly | Regional Assembly | National Sports Judge | National Sport Council |
President of the Federation | Regional Board’s President | Federal Sport Court | Breeders’ Board |
Federal Board | Regional Delegate | Federal Court of Appeal | Athletes’ Federal Committee |
Auditors Committee | |||
Secretary General | |||
Federal Attorney’s office |
The Justice Bodies (Organi di Giustizia) are appointed by the Federal Board.
For their activity the rules of Regolamento di Giustizia, aopproved by the Federal Board and ratified by CONI, apply.FISE’s headquarter office is located in Rome, Viale Tiziano 74. FISE branch offices (Regional Committees) are located in each of the 21 Regions. (the relevant contacts and addresses are published on FISE website www.fise.it). The coordination of the activity of the Federal offices is of competence of the Secretary General whereas for the sport activities the Sports Directors are in charge. FISE activity is planned by the Federal Board and assigned for its implementation on the territory to the Regional Committees; the implementation of the sport acitivty is entrusted to the Departments, the operation of which is implemented through an organisational structure compsed of a Responsible, an Advisory Committee and operational staff. Each department is provided with federal Coaches for each group of age: Senior, Young Rider, Junior, Children and Pony. FISE activity also is carried out through the organisation of events, clinics, training camps, educational courses at dedicated Centres for the purpose.
1911 - 1914 Luigi Berta
1914 - 1915 Gennaro Salinas
1920 - 1926 Luigi Ayroldi di Robbiate
1926 - 1932 Barone Luigi Ayroldi di Robbiate
1932 - 1939 Gen. Piero Dodi
1940 - 1941 Gen. Alfonso Cigala Fulgosi
1941 - 1943 Ettore Rossi
1943 - 1944 Conte Ranieri di Campello (Commissario CONI)
1944 - 1946 Conte Ranieri di Campello (Reggente CONI)
1946 - 1959 Conte Ranieri di Campello
1959 - Francesco Formigli (Reggente)
1959 - 1960 Francesco Formigli
1960 - 1965 Gen. Tommaso Lequio di Assaba
1966 - 1977 Conte Enrico Luling Buschetti
1977 - Giuseppe Cigala Fulgosi
1978 - 1988 Lino Sordelli
1988 - 1996 Mauro Checcoli
1996 - 2008 Cesare Croce
2008 - 2012 Andrea Paulgross
2012 - 2013 Antonella Dallari
2013 - 2015 Gianfranco Ravà (Commissario straordinario)
2015 - 2017 Vittorio Orlandi
2017 - in progress Marco Di Paola
1922 - 1929 Giovanni De Simoni
1930 - 1940 Ennio Marongiu
1941 - 1943 Eldo Gramignani
1943 - 1944 Ennio Marongiu (reggente)
1944 - 1970 Ennio Marongiu
1971 - 1982 Giovanni Buffa
1982 - 1990 Raffaele Giacomazza
1990 - 1998 Giuseppe Brunetti
1998 - 2003 Alessandro Barbera
2003 - 2008 Sergio Bernardini
2008 - 2009 Andreina Prestini
2009 - 2012 Sergio Bernardini
2013 - 2014 Alessandro Barbera
2015 - 2017 Walter Caporizzi
2017 - in progrss Simone Perillo