
Anno Gare

Curriculum Cavalierestampa


Num.FISE: 000904/E

Num.FEI: 10011419

Concorsi disputati:  7 Categorie effettuate:  80

Primi posti:  12 Secondi posti:  2 Terzi posti:  4

Premi in euro:  14480.91

Data Categoria Prontuario Class. Cavallo Pen. P.T. Pun. Tempo MP
22/02/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 46° CARTE BLANCHE 0/8 0 32.82 0
22/02/2024 Bassa Internazionale Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 54° ADEL SPRINGPOWER Z 4 0 68.97 0
23/02/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. CARTE BLANCHE 0/0 0 24.28 375
23/02/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. ADEL SPRINGPOWER Z 0/0 0 28.63 40
23/02/2024 Media Internazionale Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 17° KIR ROYAAL DELTA MOSSEL Z 4 0 65.45 0
23/02/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 70° L'ALIZE Z 15 0 66.11 0
24/02/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art.274.2.5) CARTE BLANCHE 0/0 0 23.62 625
24/02/2024 Gran Premio Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) DARLING BOY HERO Z 0/0 0 35.04 46.88
24/02/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art.274.2.5) L'ALIZE Z 0/0 0 26.61 68.75
24/02/2024 Gran Premio Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 19° KIR ROYAAL DELTA MOSSEL Z 4 0 73.93 0
Lier CSI1*/CSI2*/CSIYH1*
14/03/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art.274.2.5) L'ALIZE Z 0/0 0 27.32 437.5
14/03/2024 Bassa Internazionale Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 23° CARTE BLANCHE 0 0 77.08 0
14/03/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art.274.2.5) 32° KIR ROYAAL DELTA MOSSEL Z 0/0 0 39.4 0
14/03/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art.274.2.5) 45° APART Z 4/0 0 37.4 0
15/03/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. CARTE BLANCHE 0/0 0 26.73 500
15/03/2024 Media Internazionale Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) KIR ROYAAL DELTA MOSSEL Z 0/0 0 38.73 1974
16/03/2024 Bassa Internazionale Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) L'ALIZE Z 0 0 58.04 437.5
16/03/2024 Bassa Internazionale Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) APART Z 0 0 64.85 70
16/03/2024 Media Internazionale Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) Ritirato CARTE BLANCHE 0 0 0
17/03/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art.274.2.5) 18° APART Z 4/0 0 41.48 0
17/03/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art.274.2.5) 31° CARTE BLANCHE 0/4 0 25.9 0
17/03/2024 Gran Premio Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 47° KIR ROYAAL DELTA MOSSEL Z 10 0 82.12 0
17/03/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art.274.2.5) 54° L'ALIZE Z 4/0 0 33.47 0
02/04/2024 Cav. Giovani Internaz. Comp. Not Against the Clock (Art. 238.1.1) CHECKFLY DE ZELANDE Z 0 0 84.1 18.37
03/04/2024 Cav. Giovani Internaz. Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. CHECKFLY DE ZELANDE Z 0/0 0 33.28 22.67
04/04/2024 Media Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. KIR ROYAAL DELTA MOSSEL Z 0/0 0 28.5 150
04/04/2024 Bassa Internazionale Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 10° L'ALIZE Z 0 0 66.23 50
04/04/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 18° KARAN-K VAN'T KATTENHEYE 0/0 0 33.59 0
04/04/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 22° DARLING BOY HERO Z 0/0 0 35.28 0
04/04/2024 Bassa Internazionale Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art.274.2.5) 34° CARTE BLANCHE 0/8 0 35.79 0
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Cavallo Magazine  Equestrian Time


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